Friday 17 March 2023

Team develops electronic skin as flexible as crocodile skin

Team develops electronic skin as flexible as crocodile skin

Team develops electronic skin as flexible as crocodile skin

Researchers from the National University of Singapore have developed an electronic skin that is as flexible as crocodile skin.

This electronic skin is made from a thin, stretchable material that can be attached to a variety of surfaces, including human skin. The material is also highly sensitive and can detect even the slightest touch or pressure.

This breakthrough in electronic skin technology has numerous potential applications, including in the fields of healthcare and robotics. For example, it could be used in prosthetics to provide patients with a sense of touch and sensation. It could also be used in robots to allow them to feel and respond to their environment in a more human-like way.

The researchers hope that their electronic skin will pave the way for new innovations in the field and lead to the development of even more advanced and sophisticated technologies in the future.

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