Friday, 17 March 2023

New study identifies how AI fails to reproduce human vision

New study identifies how AI fails to reproduce human vision

New study identifies how AI fails to reproduce human vision

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a trending topic in the technological world for quite some time now. It has even been proposed to be the future of many industries including healthcare, transportation and manufacturing. However, AI still remains inferior when it comes to reproducing human vision.

A new study has identified the reasons why AI still falls behind when replicating human vision. The study was carried out by researchers from several universities including Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany.

The study pointed out that AI lacks context, which results in an inability to understand images and videos. Humans can easily recognize objects from various angles and positions, but AI needs training data that is both large and diverse.

Another challenge for AI when it comes to reproducing human vision is the ability to see beyond the visible spectrum. Humans can see ultraviolet and infrared light, but AI is still not advanced enough to perform such functions.

The study also highlighted the inability of AI to understand emotions and social context in images and videos. For example, a picture of a group of people laughing together means something different than a picture of a group of people crying together. Humans can easily understand these nuances, but AI cannot.

Although AI has made significant strides in reproducing human vision, the study has provided insights to help researchers improve AI algorithms to be more accurate in interpreting images and videos.

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