Tuesday 18 April 2023

Engineering team tests gaming technology to train nuclear workforce

Engineering team tests gaming technology to train nuclear workforce

Engineering team tests gaming technology to train nuclear workforce

An engineering team at the University of Idaho is testing gaming technology to train the nuclear workforce. The team is using virtual reality and gaming technology to create a simulation of a nuclear power plant that can be used to train workers.

The simulation is designed to be as realistic as possible, with detailed graphics and accurate physics. The team is also working on incorporating artificial intelligence into the simulation to make it more interactive and responsive to the trainee's actions.

The goal of the project is to provide a more effective and efficient way to train nuclear workers. Traditional training methods can be time-consuming and expensive, and the use of a simulation can help reduce costs and improve safety.

The team is also working on making the simulation accessible to a wider audience. They are developing a web-based version of the simulation that can be accessed from anywhere, making it easier for workers to train remotely.

The project has received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and has the potential to revolutionize the way nuclear workers are trained. The use of gaming technology and virtual reality can provide a more engaging and immersive training experience, leading to better retention of information and improved safety in the workplace.


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